A Few Quick Tips to Help You Find the Best Cross Country Moving Company

A Few Quick Tips to Help You Find the
Best Cross Country Moving Company

The Complete Check List

cross country movers

Moving From LA To NY

A cross country move can at first appear to be a daunting task, but done wisely, and with proper planning and execution, it can be an exciting and memorable adventure. We will discuss some tips on finding the best cross country moving company, but first, a few basics.

What Constitutes a Long-Distance Move?

Generally, a long-distance move is any relocation of more than 400 miles. Obviously, a cross country move is going to be much farther than that, and the coordination and considerations for that move increase accordingly.

When Should I Start Packing for a Long-Distance Move?

Ideally, you should begin the planning process as soon as you know you will be moving. But generally, four to six weeks is usually enough to get everything together and ready for the big day.

Choosing the Right SF to NY Connection

How To Choose a Long-Distance Moving Company

There are a few essential steps that you can take to find the proper cross country moving provider for your needs.

  • Get referrals. Nothing says more about a given company than the word of mouth they generate.
  • Follow the rule of threes. Searching for that highest level of operating efficiency in a given market.
  • Watch out for red flags. Negative reviews are a dead giveaway as to how good a company will work for you. Check the Better Business Bureau entry as well for additional information.
  • Make sure the mover is properly licensed, bonded, and insured.
  • Ask about professional accreditation and associations
  • Make sure they have a verifiable, physical address.

How Much Should a Cross Country Move Cost?

Depending upon the size and scope of your move, the number of items, distance to the new location, etc., your move can be projected to cost anywhere between $5000 to $15000.

How Do I Know If a Moving Company is Reputable?

Certified, professional movers will have a US Dept Of Transportation (DOT) number, and it is strongly advised to only work with those who are registered with DOT.

Compiling Your NY to SF Checklist

Obviously, there are a number of factors to consider for any long-distance move. We have compiled a list of the best tips for securing a quality, experienced, and efficient long distance moving provider.

  1. Understand Your Options. Any long-distance move is a challenge, but a cross country move is the most daunting of all. There are simply far more details that go into this sort of relocation than most of us are prepared to deal with. Once you understand that you have options available to you to help in this endeavor, the process becomes a lot less stressful and hectic.
  2. Budget Accordingly. Once you have decided to hire a cross country moving provider, you will need to establish your budget for the move. Reputable moving companies will provide no obligation estimates for your project. It is recommended that you obtain at least three such estimates and try to go for neither the most expensive nor the least. A good provider can usually be found somewhere in the middle.
  3. Finding Good Cross Country Movers Near You. Ideally find a moving provider that is located near you, as this provides more than adequate communication, and if needed, additional on-site consultation as the time of the move draws closer. Avoid any company that will not visit your home in person to provide accurate estimates of your moving costs.
  4.  Compare Your Estimates. Once you have talked to several providers, take the time to sit down and carefully go over each one. See who provides what services, and which providers offer the most “bang for the buck.” As mentioned earlier, don’t jump at the lowest bid, because a) you tend to get what you pay for, and b) if it sounds too good to be true, it invariably is. Look at all the service that are offered, such as packing, unpacking, custom crating, the handling of specialty of delicate items, especially those with strong sentimental value such as family heirlooms. The best estimates should have all of this broken down for you.
  5. Ask About a Move Coordinator. You do not want to do this job on your own. It is important to have a move coordinator assigned to you, someone who can be familiar with all aspects of your moving needs and guide you through the process, being available to answer all of your questions as well as handling the myriad of problems and difficulties that can and so often do come up as you approach moving day.
  6. Check The Movers’ Reviews. As we said earlier, word of mouth is usually far more dependable than any ad campaign. Read reviews, talk to folks that have used this company and get their thoughts. Eliminate any provider with only one or two star reviews, as that pretty much speaks for itself. Look for at least four stars (out of five) or better. Doing so means you run a far less chance of becoming another statistic.
  7. Give The Final Options One Last Look. Once you have narrowed down your options, check on a few things to make sure they are reputable, such as their certification with the Dept of Transportation (DOT). Every reputable provider will have a USDOT number assigned to them. Check and verify their insurance and bonding as well. Again, reputable companies will have no problem providing this information.
  8. Make Your Selection. Once you have narrowed everything down, once all the boxes are checked, it is time to make your selection and hire your long-distance moving provider.

In Conclusion

We do hope these recommendations are of service to you as you plan your upcoming long-distance move. If done correctly, this one-time daunting job may actually turn out to be an amazing and enjoyable adventure for you and your entire family.

A long distance out of state move can be an exciting prospect, but it is important to remember how it will affect all of the members of your family, and that includes the furry, four-legged kind. Yes, our pets are going with us, and with that in mind, we must take all the proper steps necessary to keep them comfortable and safe throughout the duration of the move. Here are some suggestions for making that trip with your fur babies an enjoyable one.

Get Them Used to The Moving Environment.

Many pets, dogs in particular, will love the sight of all those boxes and packing supplies, and will often waste no time setting out to destroy all of it. This is especially true if you have puppies around a year or two old. You should get your pets used to the idea of these supplies being around, and properly train them with stern “no’s” to leave those supplies alone. You might lose a box or two at first, but they will get the idea and subsequently lose interest pretty quickly.

Try To Maintain Some Routine, For Their Sake.

Animals are used to things happening a given way on any given day. They know when to wake up, when they will be fed, walked, time for play and interaction, etc. It will not be easy with everything else going on but try to maintain the routine to the best of your ability in order to avoid them becoming too stressed out. Keep feeding times the same if at all possible. Make sure to take them out for their walks or playtime. And of course, go out of your way to provide a little extra love, patience, and cuddling. They are cognizant and aware that things are changing. So, show them that you understand!

Let Them Keep Their Space as Long as Possible.

Most animals have their places that they like to go and hang out, rest, sleep, even play. Do your best to maintain that for them. Moving projects can often alter the landscape of a home to a great degree, so if you can take steps to protect their space, their spot of familiarity among the chaos, that can often go a long way towards maintaining their peace of mind and happiness. Cats are especially prone to becoming skittish as circumstances around them become more hectic. They need that safe space to retreat from everything that is stressing them out.

Check Out New Pet Laws in The City You Are Moving To.

Laws concerning pets vary from city to city, and the last thing you need is to run afoul of those laws upon your arrival. Do some research beforehand to know what is expected of you and your pets in and around your new community and make any preparations ahead of the moving day. This is especially true when moving to an apartment. Some allow pets, while others do not, and those that do may require an additional fee prior to moving in. Update your pet’s tags and shots before leaving, and if they are chipped, have the chip info updated to reflect your new address.

Pet Friendly Lodging.

A long-distance move means long distance travel, which may require lodging for a night or two. You should make sure in advance that the accommodations you choose are pet friendly. Because you do not want to find yourself driving late at night looking for a hotel or motel that will take your four-legged friends.

Secure Your Pet and Keep Them Close to You.

Pack a separate moving bag for your pet, including water bowls, their favorite toys, food, bedding, treats, along with some paper towels and plastic bags to clean up after them as needed. At both your previous location and final destination, there will be a lot of activity, with a lot of open doors. This means any number of opportunities for them to get out and possibly lost in a new and unfamiliar neighborhood. Place them in a kennel or a cage in a quiet room in the house with food and a few toys. Just in case you do lose track of them, however, have a recent photo as well as their microchip information on hand.

Prepare Your Vehicle to Travel with Your Pet.

Have their travel carrier or cage belted securely in the back seat, and make sure that they are familiar with and comfortable with that carrying device. You might want to take them on a few test drives in the days leading up to the move so that the experience is not a new (and potentially stressful) one for them. Keep a blanket handy to place over the cage if it does appear that they are becoming stressed, as this has a way of easing the tension for them. And of course, plan to stop every so often to allow them to do their business and stretch their legs. If you get tired of being in a car over a long distance, rest assured they do as well.

And that “one half” tip we mentioned?

Be Sure TO Pet Proof Your New Home…BEFORE Your Pet’s Arrival. Secure the doors, windows, and gates to prevent them from escaping. Make sure they cannot jump over or through balcony openings. Look for any holes or other openings in fencing. Cover all vent openings and keep toilet lids closed so nobody drinks anything they are not supposed to. In addition, look for any poison or pest control traps that may have been left by the previous tenants, and keep dangerous chewable items (such as electrical cord) away from pets such as dogs who love to chew on things whenever they are anxious or stressed.

Walk your dog through your new home and allow them to get used to new smells and locations. Your cats may disappear for a day or two (or three, or four), but they are around, and they will acclimate. Give them a week or two and rest assured they will eventually feel right at home in your new space.

Moving to a new location is an exciting experience but going all the way and moving cross country can become an epic family adventure if properly executed. It is a completely unique experience from any other move you could possibly make, however the amount of prep work to be done is correspondingly intense. Of course, that does not mean it is impossible, nor does it become a challenge you should shy away from. As a veteran of long-distance moves, here are a few things I have learned along the way.

Consider Shipping Your Car.

Most folks will drive their vehicle to a new location, but given the distance involved, and the fact that some families have more cars than drivers to drive them, it often becomes more efficient to ship your car and simply fly to your new home. Sometimes vehicles are leased and driving cross country would easily put you over budget on your allotted mileage. Other times, folks are concerned with putting excess wear and tear on their vehicles, particularly if those vehicles are expensive, or classic. The average cost to ship a vehicle is just under a thousand dollars, so determine if this is an expense you want to incur, or if you would like to spend a few days behind the wheel and seeing the country.

Have A Career Plan.

It is inadvisable to move to a new locale without having some means of support, although there are those who have done it. Do your homework and make every effort to secure employment before your move, that way you can jump in with both feet and start living and enjoying your new space to the fullest upon arrival.

Get Your Finances Arranged.

Carefully examine your financial situation, checking account, savings, stocks, bonds, retirement, even credit score. There is a myriad of expenses that accompany any sort of move, and you want to make sure you are able to budget for every contingency. You may find that the basics such as rent, gas, healthcare and food are markedly different from your previous location. Even basic rent can change as much as 45% from one coast to another, and depending on the community you are in.

Downsize. A lot.

A move is when you actually start seeing just how much stuff you actually have, and you would be surprised at how little you actually use anymore. Use the packing process to ask yourself some hard questions along the lines of “Does this still serve me in any capacity whatsoever?” If the answer is no, then get rid of it. You can donate used clothing, toys, electronics, even furniture, or you can just have a good old fashioned yard sale and make a few bucks in the process.

Pack Clothing Items Accordingly.

Clothes can often be the hardest items to pack up, so you will need to pack strategically. Opt for rolling your items as this keeps them largely wrinkle free and allows you to fit more into a given box. Any gaps between these rolls can be used for smaller items such as socks and delicates. Try to go for using smaller boxes instead of larger ones, as larger boxes will be much heavier and more cumbersome.

Make Use of Your Sphere.

Chances are, someone you know either lives or has lived in the area where you are going to be moving. Take advantage of that. Find out where the good neighborhoods or apartment complexes are, what industries are hiring, where the hotspots are for dining or nightlife. Your circle of friends will not steer you wrong.

Save All of Your Moving Related Receipts.

If your move is due to a relocation for work, you might be eligible for tax deductions or breaks as a result. Leave no stone unturned, right down to gas receipts and hotel bills and mileage and keep them in a safe place to provide to your tax preparer when tax season comes around again.

Details, Details, Details.

It is extremely easy to get so caught up in the excitement of preparing for a long-distance move that we forget and overlook the little things that need to be done.

  • Schedule the transfer of your utilities
  • Have all of your mail forwarded
  • Cancel or transfer any local memberships such as gyms, etc.
  • Arrange for keys to be dropped off or transferred to the new occupants
  • Collect and store all personal records and important documents in a safe, secure place.

Be Flexible with Expectations.

It does not matter how well planned your move is, or how perfect things may be going. There is always going to be the occasional glitch, hiccup, stumble, whatever you want to call it. Your help might be late arriving, or you could have a mechanical breakdown en route. And in the era of Covid 19, it is safe to say pretty much anything and most often does happen. It becomes important to remain calm and be willing to bend to accommodate the unforeseen.

Oh, and that “half tip” mentioned?

Take the time to explore your new surroundings once you get there. Unload, unpack, but do not miss out on any opportunity to learn more about your new location. You will be amazed at the new local spots, restaurants, entertainment venues, and cultural opportunities available to you. Oh, and you might make some new lifelong friends in the process.

A cross country move does not have to be a chore. Done right, with proper planning and execution, this can easily become one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences that you and your family can ever have. For additional assistance with all your moving needs, contact the professionals at California/New York Express Movers. We have decades of experience doing exactly what you need done, and we are ready to make your cross country move a reality. Call today for a free, no obligation estimate and let us get you on the road to your new life!

If you’re moving with horses to a new home, thorough planning and preparation is very important. Many horses travel frequently, however, each move can be different.   Before you begin moving and transporting your horse, find out what documentation is required to enter or travel through each state, as regulations differ throughout the United States. You’ll need to check health requirements. Common documentation required when traveling with a horse includes: certificate of vet inspection, coggins test, brand inspection card, and possibly a passport health certificate.  

How do you transition a horse to a new home? 

Once you arrive at the horse’s new home, whether it’s a stable or a pasture, acclimate them slowly to the new environment. If there’s other horses, after a few days, begin to integrate the new horse.  

How Can I Make Moving With Children to San Francisco Easier?

Moving with children to San Francisco can be overwhelming, but with these helpful tips for moving to san francisco, the process can become easier. Start by involving your children in the decision-making process and researching family-friendly neighborhoods and schools. Make packing fun and prioritize the essentials. Upon arrival, explore the city together, finding parks, playgrounds, and local activities that cater to families. Moreover, create a smooth transition by keeping routines consistent and offering emotional support during the adjustment period.

What is the first thing to do when you bring a horse home? 

Have a generous amount of hay, or a pasture that’s plentiful with grass, and a good supply of water and shelter.  

How long does it take for a horse to get used to a new home? 

If the horse is moving with its current owners, than the transition period will generally be less than if the horse is moving to a new home with new owners. It usually takes between 6 months to 1 year for a new owner to get used to and trust its new horse, however the horse will have already figured out its new owner within less time.    

Is moving emotional?

Yes! Moving can bring up different emotions in different people. We become attached to our homes, our surroundings and the lifestyle we’ve created. Moving might require having to say goodbye to friends and loved ones. It can become an emotional rollercoaster. Some of the emotions one might experience, could include excitement, fear, sadness, or, if the move is sudden, a feeling of surprise, even anxiety. You could also have a mixture of emotions at the same time or throughout the process of the move. Whatever the emotion, its important to recognize it.  

How do you cope with your emotions when you move?  

While preparing for a move, it’s essential to stay on track. If any emotions do surface, use them as an opportunity to put your attention on what you can look forward to once you move. Spend time researching your new hometown and how to pursue yours and your family’s current interests, and perhaps find new ones.  

different faces of eggs on the shelf

Why does moving house cause anxiety? 

There is a lot to coordinate when moving to a new house, new city or a new state. Anxiety can build up if we become to stressed, worried, or overtired.  Uncertainty of the future can also cause anxiety, so it’s a good idea to stay calm. So, how do I stay calm during a move? Being positive, having a healthy diet, regular exercise and enough rest throughout the move can really help to keep you calm and focused.  

Shannon L.
Shannon L.
Jan 5, 2024

Movers who packed my things up in NY were great. I was also very impressed with how clear everything was, how fast the move coordinator Eric was with getting back to me. Read more testimonials

Danielle Francisco
Feb 11, 2024

Terrific experience with Andres and his team. They were quick, efficient and very knowledgeable. Read more testimonials

Ria B.
Ria B.
Jan 10, 2024

Everything went smoothly with CA-NY Express Movers. They packed up my apt in NYC in no time, put it into storage for me while we found our new house. Read more testimonials

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