Guide to Downsizing Before a Cross Country Move – Tips & Tricks

Guide to Downsizing Before a Cross Country Move - Tips & Tricks

Downsizing before a cross country move can be a daunting task, but with the right tips and tricks, you can simplify the process and ensure a hassle-free move. Effective downsizing is crucial when preparing for a new chapter in a different part of the country. By carefully evaluating your belongings and making strategic decisions, you can transition smoothly into your new space.

downsizing before a cross country move

Key Takeaways

  • Consider the function and lifestyle of your new space to determine what to keep and what to let go.
  • Create a comprehensive list of your furniture and belongings to stay organized during the downsizing process.
  • Plan out the furniture arrangement in your new space to optimize the use of available space.
  • Purge your possessions by donating, selling, or disposing of items you no longer need or use.
  • Seek assistance from trash removal companies or relocation specialists to efficiently dispose of unwanted items.

Consider the Function and Lifestyle of Your New Space

Before you start downsizing for your cross country move, take some time to consider the function and lifestyle of your new space. This step is crucial in determining which belongings are essential and will fit comfortably into your new home. By evaluating the size and layout of your new space, you can make informed decisions about what to keep, sell, or donate.

consider the function and lifestyle of your new space

Creating a list of your furniture and belongings can help organize the downsizing process. This inventory will not only serve as a reference but also allow you to visualize how items will fit into your new space. As you go through each room, consider the practicality and functionality of each piece. Will it serve a purpose? Will it enhance your new lifestyle? If an item doesn't align with the vision you have for your new space, it may be time to let go.

Consider the Dimensions of Your New Space

When downsizing, it's important to keep in mind the dimensions of your new space. Measure the rooms and doorways to ensure that your furniture fits through and can be arranged optimally. Consider the overall aesthetic and flow of the space, as well as any limitations or challenges that may arise. By taking these factors into consideration, you can make informed decisions about which large items are worth keeping or moving.

Furniture/ItemDimensions (L x W x H)Status
Sofa80" x 35" x 30"Keeping
Dining Table60" x 36" x 30"Moving
Bookshelf48" x 12" x 72"Selling

Remember, downsizing is an opportunity to create a fresh start and surround yourself with belongings that truly reflect your new lifestyle. By carefully considering the function and dimensions of your new space, you can make the downsizing process more manageable and enjoyable.

Make a List of Your Furniture and Belongings

To effectively downsize, it is crucial to create a detailed list of all your furniture and belongings. This will help you keep track of what you have and make informed decisions about what to keep, sell, donate, or dispose of. Start by going through each room in your current home and take inventory of the items you own. This includes big-ticket items like sofas, beds, and dining tables, as well as smaller items like lamps, kitchen appliances, and decor pieces.

Organize your list by room and categorize items by their importance and functionality. Prioritize the essentials that you'll need in your new space, and consider the size and layout of your new home when deciding what to keep. Use a spreadsheet or a note-taking app to keep your list organized and easily accessible.

Having a comprehensive list will not only help you stay organized during the downsizing process but also assist you when it comes to packing and unpacking in your new home. It will eliminate any guesswork and ensure that every item is accounted for and properly placed in its designated area.

Living RoomSofaGoodKeep
Living RoomTV StandGoodSell
KitchenDining TableGoodSell

By making a list of your furniture and belongings, you'll have a clear overview of what you own and can make more efficient decisions about what to keep or let go. Remember, downsizing is an opportunity to declutter your life and create a fresh start. Take the time to carefully consider each item and its value in your new space, and you'll be well on your way to a successful cross-country move.

Plan Out the Furniture Arrangement in Your New Space

A well-thought-out furniture arrangement plan can significantly simplify the downsizing process and ensure a smooth transition into your new home. Before embarking on your cross country move, it is essential to consider how your furniture will fit and function in the new space. Taking the time to plan out the arrangement of your furniture will not only save you time and effort during the packing and unpacking stages but also maximize the use of available space.

Start by measuring the dimensions of your new home, including doorways, hallways, and room sizes. This information will guide you in determining which furniture pieces will fit comfortably and which ones might need to be let go. Create a rough layout plan using paper or digital tools, taking into account the function and flow of each room.

Benefits of Planning the Furniture Arrangement

  • Optimize space: By strategically placing your furniture, you can make the most of the available space, ensuring a harmonious and functional layout.
  • Minimize clutter: Planning ahead allows you to identify any excess furniture that may not fit or be necessary, helping you declutter and streamline your belongings.
  • Easier unpacking: Knowing where each piece of furniture will go in your new home makes the unpacking process more efficient, saving you time and reducing stress.
  • Personalize your space: A well-planned furniture arrangement allows you to create a space that reflects your style and preferences, making your new house feel like home.

Remember, the goal of downsizing is to create a more manageable and comfortable living environment. Planning out the furniture arrangement in your new space is a crucial step that will contribute to a successful cross country move. Take the time to carefully consider your options and make informed decisions about which furniture pieces will enhance your new home.

Plan Out the Furniture Arrangement in Your New Space

Example of a Furniture Arrangement Plan

RoomFurniture PiecesNotes
Living RoomSofa, coffee table, TV stand, bookshelfEnsure proper placement for optimal TV viewing and easy access to bookshelf.
BedroomBed, nightstands, dresser, wardrobeConsider the flow of the room and allocate sufficient space for easy movement.
Home OfficeDesk, chair, filing cabinet, bookcasePosition the desk near a window for natural light and arrange storage strategically.

Creating a furniture arrangement plan tailored to your new space will save you time, energy, and potential headaches during your cross country move. It is a crucial step in downsizing successfully and adjusting to your new home with ease.

Purge Your Possessions

Downsizing starts with purging your possessionsdecluttering your belongings and making space for a fresh start in your new home. When preparing for a cross-country move, it is essential to carefully evaluate your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, sell, or dispose of. This process can be overwhelming, but with a systematic approach, you can efficiently purge your possessions and simplify your move.

Start by creating a plan and setting aside dedicated time for decluttering each room. Break down the task into manageable sections, focusing on one area at a time. This approach will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and help you maintain a sense of progress.

As you go through each item, ask yourself whether it serves a purpose or brings you joy. If an item no longer fulfills either of these criteria, consider letting it go. Separate your belongings into categories, such as items to keep, donate, sell, or dispose of. This organization will help you make informed decisions and streamline the downsizing process.

Remember that downsizing is an opportunity to start anew. Letting go of unnecessary possessions can be liberating and create space for new experiences. Embrace the process and focus on the benefits of a more simplified and clutter-free lifestyle.

Seek Assistance from Trash Removal Companies or Relocation Specialists

Trash removal companies or relocation specialists can be valuable allies in your downsizing journey, providing expert assistance in disposing of unwanted items. They have the knowledge and resources to efficiently handle the removal and disposal process, saving you time and effort.

When deciding to downsize before a cross-country move, it's important to consider the logistics of getting rid of items you no longer need or want. Trash removal companies can help you safely dispose of large or bulky items that are not suitable for regular curbside pick-up. From old furniture to outdated appliances, these professionals are equipped to handle a wide range of items.

Relocation specialists, on the other hand, offer a more holistic approach to downsizing. They can assist you with every step of the process, from creating a personalized downsizing plan to coordinating the removal and transportation of your belongings. Their expertise ensures that your downsizing aims are met efficiently, taking into account your specific preferences and needs.

By enlisting the help of these professionals, you can streamline your downsizing efforts and focus on the more exciting aspects of your cross-country move. Let them take care of the logistics while you prepare for your new adventure.

Benefits of Seeking Assistance
Efficient disposal of unwanted items
Time and effort-saving
Handling large or bulky items
Personalized downsizing plan
Coordination of removal and transportation

Start Decluttering Early and Break Up the Task by Room

To avoid last-minute stress, it's crucial to start decluttering early and break up the task by room. This approach allows you to focus on one area at a time, making the process more manageable and less overwhelming. By tackling one room at a time, you can sort through your belongings more effectively, making decisions about what to keep, donate, or sell.

Creating a schedule or timeline can help you stay organized and ensure that you allocate enough time for each room. Start with rooms that are less frequently used, such as guest bedrooms or storage spaces, and gradually move on to more essential areas like the kitchen and living room. This way, you can make progress gradually and maintain a sense of accomplishment throughout the decluttering process.

Remember, the goal is not to rush through the task but to make thoughtful decisions about each item. Take the time to evaluate the usefulness and sentimental value of your belongings. If you find it challenging to let go of certain items, consider their practicality and whether they will fit into your new space. Keep in mind that downsizing offers an opportunity for a fresh start, free from unnecessary clutter and excess baggage.

The Benefits of Starting Early and Breaking Up the Task

One of the benefits of starting early and breaking up the task by room is that it allows you to maintain a sense of control and prevents last-minute rush and stress. By giving yourself ample time, you can make more thoughtful decisions about what to keep, sell, or donate. Breaking up the task room by room also helps you stay organized and focused, ensuring that no area is overlooked or neglected.

Furthermore, starting early gives you the opportunity to sell or donate items in advance. This can be particularly beneficial if you have valuable items that you want to sell through garage sales or online platforms. By starting early, you can arrange and promote these sales effectively, maximizing your chances of finding interested buyers and earning some extra cash.

By taking a systematic approach to decluttering, you can streamline the downsizing process and make it more efficient. Starting early and breaking up the task into manageable chunks not only reduces stress but also allows you to make well-informed decisions about your belongings. So, grab those boxes, sort through your items, and embark on your decluttering journey today!

Benefits of Starting Early and Breaking Up the TaskGuidelines for Decluttering Room by Room
Reduces last-minute stress and rushCreate a schedule or timeline
Achieve a sense of accomplishmentStart with less frequently used rooms
Allows for well-informed decisionsFocus on one area at a time
Maximizes opportunities to sell or donate itemsConsider practicality and sentimental value
Streamlines the downsizing processDeclutter systematically and methodically

Sell Valuable Items Through Garage Sales or Online Platforms

Garage sales and online platforms can be excellent avenues for selling valuable items and generating extra income before your cross country move. Whether you have antiques, collectibles, or gently used furniture, these platforms offer a convenient way to connect with potential buyers and ensure that your items find new homes.

When hosting a garage sale, be sure to advertise it in your local community and online platforms. Create eye-catching signage and organize your items in a visually appealing manner, making it easier for shoppers to browse and find what they're looking for. Additionally, consider offering bundle deals or discounted prices for multiple items to attract more buyers.

If you prefer to sell items online, there are various platforms to choose from, such as Craigslist, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace. Take high-quality photos and write detailed descriptions to showcase the unique features and condition of your items. Be prompt in responding to inquiries and negotiate prices with potential buyers to ensure a successful sale.

Garage Sale Tips:Online Selling Tips:
Advertise locally and online Create appealing signage Organize items for easy browsing Offer bundle deals or discounted pricesTake high-quality photos Write detailed descriptions Respond promptly to inquiries Negotiate prices with potential buyers

Remember, the goal is to downsize and lighten your load for the cross country move. By selling valuable items through garage sales or online platforms, not only will you create more space, but you'll also generate extra income to support your relocation expenses.

Donate Items to Local Charities or Give Them Away to Friends and Family

Donating items to local charities or giving them away to friends and family is a meaningful way to downsize and make a positive impact. Not only does it help you declutter and simplify your life before a cross-country move, but it also allows you to contribute to your community and support those in need.

When donating items to local charities, it's important to research and choose organizations that align with your values and causes you care about. Look for charities that accept the specific items you wish to donate and ensure that they have a good reputation for using donations responsibly. They should also be able to provide you with a tax receipt for your contributions, which can be beneficial during tax season.

If you have items that are still in good condition but no longer serve a purpose for you, consider giving them away to friends and family. This not only helps you declutter but also allows your loved ones to benefit from items they may need or appreciate. You can organize a small gathering or send out a message to your close circle, letting them know about the items you're giving away. It can be a meaningful gesture that strengthens your relationships and ensures that your belongings find new homes where they will be valued.

Donation Tracker

Keeping track of the items you donate or give away can help you stay organized and ensure that you've properly downsized before your cross-country move. Use the table below to create a donation tracker:

ItemRecipient (Charity, Friend, or Family Member)Date Donated/Given Away
FurnitureLocal shelterMay 10, 2023
ClothingSisterApril 27, 2023
ElectronicsLocal schoolJune 3, 2023

By using this donation tracker, you can easily keep a record of the items you've donated or given away, making it easier to keep track of your downsizing progress and ensuring that everything is accounted for.

Remember, downsizing is an opportunity to let go of items that no longer serve you and to make a positive impact on others. By donating items to local charities or giving them away to friends and family, you can simplify your move, declutter your life, and bring joy to others in the process.

Dispose of Expired or Unused Items

As part of your downsizing efforts, it's important to dispose of expired or unused items in your kitchen, bathroom, and office. These items can take up valuable space and contribute to unnecessary clutter in your new home. By getting rid of them, you can create a more organized and streamlined living environment.

To effectively dispose of these items, consider the following methods:

  1. Check the expiration dates on food items in your kitchen and discard any that have expired. This will help you avoid cluttering your pantry or refrigerator with items that are no longer safe or enjoyable to consume.
  2. In the bathroom, dispose of expired medication, old makeup, and unused toiletries. Properly dispose of medication by following local guidelines or consulting with your pharmacist.
  3. Go through your office supplies and get rid of any outdated or unused items. This can include old electronics, obsolete software, and paperwork that is no longer needed.

By eliminating these expired or unused items, you'll not only free up space, but also prevent yourself from carrying unnecessary items to your new home. Remember to dispose of these items responsibly, following your local waste disposal guidelines. Doing so will ensure an efficient and clutter-free downsizing process.

Benefits of Disposing of Expired or Unused Items
Creates more space in your new home
Reduces clutter and promotes organization
Eliminates the risk of consuming expired food or medication
Saves time and effort during the move

Expert Tip

"When disposing of expired medication, it's important to follow proper guidelines to protect the environment and prevent accidental ingestion. Locate a local take-back program or consult with your pharmacist for safe disposal options." - Dr. Sarah Johnson, Pharmacist

Get Rid of Excess Clothing, Jewelry, Accessories, and Furniture

Downsizing your wardrobe, jewelry collection, accessories, and furniture is essential for a streamlined and stress-free cross country move. As you prepare to embark on your new adventure, it's important to assess your belongings and determine what items are truly necessary in your new space. Here are some tips to help you efficiently declutter and get rid of excess items:

  • Start by sorting through your clothing and accessories. Consider whether each item still fits your current style and lifestyle. If you haven't worn an item in over a year, it may be time to let it go. Donate gently used clothing to local charities or sell them through online platforms.
  • When it comes to jewelry, evaluate each piece based on its sentimental value and wearability. Sell or donate pieces that no longer hold significance or match your personal style.
  • Assess your furniture with the dimensions of your new space in mind. Determine which pieces will fit and be functional in your new home. Consider selling or donating furniture that won't serve a purpose in your new living environment.

Remember, downsizing doesn't mean getting rid of everything you own. It's about keeping what truly matters to you and letting go of what no longer serves a purpose. By streamlining your wardrobe, jewelry collection, accessories, and furniture, you'll not only make your cross country move more manageable but also create a fresh start in your new home.

Benefits of DownsizingTips for Decluttering
Less stress during the moveStart early and declutter room by room
More space and organization in your new homeBreak sentimental attachments and make practical decisions
Save money on moving costsUtilize donation centers and online platforms

"By streamlining your wardrobe, jewelry collection, accessories, and furniture, you'll not only make your cross country move more manageable but also create a fresh start in your new home."

Consider the Dimensions of Your New Space Before Keeping or Moving Large Items

Before deciding to keep or move large items during your cross country move, carefully consider the dimensions of your new space. It's important to ensure that your furniture and belongings will fit comfortably and efficiently in your new home. By taking the time to measure and assess the available space, you can avoid the hassle of dealing with oversized or unnecessary items.

One practical approach is to create a detailed floor plan of your new space and use it as a reference when deciding what to keep or move. Measure the dimensions of each room, including doorways, hallways, and staircases. This will help you determine if your existing furniture can be accommodated or if adjustments need to be made. Keep in mind that certain pieces may need to be disassembled, and it's essential to consider how they will fit through narrow passages.

Additionally, consider the layout and functionality of your new space. Will there be enough room to move around comfortably? Will your furniture obstruct natural light or impede the flow of movement? These are important factors to consider when deciding which large items to keep or move. Prioritizing functionality and creating an open, spacious environment can greatly enhance your living experience.

Key Points to Consider:Benefits of Considering Dimensions:
Measure the dimensions of each room and assess doorways, hallways, and staircases.Avoid the hassle of dealing with oversized or unnecessary items.
Create a detailed floor plan to determine if your furniture can be accommodated.Ensure your existing furniture fits comfortably and efficiently.
Consider the layout and functionality of your new space.Create an open, spacious environment and enhance your living experience.

Remember, the dimensions of your new space will play a significant role in the downsizing process. Taking the time to carefully assess and plan will help you make informed decisions about which large items to keep or move. By considering the functionality and layout of your new home, you can create a space that is both comfortable and efficient.

Dispose of Non-Allowable Items Before the Move

To ensure a smooth and compliant move, it's crucial to dispose of non-allowable items, such as liquids and flammables, before the moving day. These items are typically not permitted for transportation due to safety regulations and may pose risks during the move.

Non-allowable items include household chemicals, paint, propane tanks, gasoline, and other hazardous substances. These items can be dangerous if mishandled or improperly packed, potentially causing damage to your belongings or even endangering the movers.

Proper disposal methods for non-allowable items vary depending on local regulations. It's important to research and follow the guidelines provided by your local waste management or recycling centers. Many communities have designated drop-off locations or special collections for hazardous waste.

Examples of Non-Allowable Items:Disposal Methods:
Paint and paint thinnersCheck for local hazardous waste collection events or drop-off locations.
Aerosol cans (including insecticides and cleaning products)Empty and dispose of in regular trash if allowed, or take them to a local recycling center.
Propane tanks and gas cylindersContact local gas stations or recycling centers for proper disposal methods.
Cleaning chemicals and bleachDonate to local organizations or dispose of in accordance with local hazardous waste guidelines.

By disposing of non-allowable items before your move, you not only ensure a safer and smoother transition but also contribute to environmental sustainability. It's essential to prioritize the health and safety of both yourself and the professionals handling your belongings. Remember to research and follow local regulations for proper disposal methods to make your cross country move a success.

Consider Storage Options if Postponing Decisions About Excess Items

If you find yourself needing more time to make decisions about excess items, consider utilizing storage options to keep your belongings safe and secure. Storage facilities can be a convenient solution, allowing you to temporarily store items that you are unsure about keeping or moving to your new space. By renting a storage unit, you can protect your belongings while you take the time to make informed decisions about what to do with them.

Storage options provide a flexible and secure solution for individuals who are downsizing before a cross-country move. Whether you have sentimental items, valuable possessions, or items that do not fit in your new space but you don't want to part with just yet, storage facilities offer a convenient and reliable option. With various unit sizes available, you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Additionally, many storage facilities offer climate control options to ensure the preservation of delicate or sensitive items.

Benefits of Storage OptionsConsiderations when Choosing a Storage Facility
Provides a temporary solution for excess items Offers flexibility during the downsizing process Protects belongings from damage or theftLocation and accessibility Security measures in place Pricing and contract terms

When choosing a storage facility, it is important to consider factors such as the location and accessibility of the facility. Opting for a facility that is conveniently located close to your home or the new location can make it easier to access your belongings when needed. Additionally, assess the security measures in place, such as surveillance cameras, secure access systems, and on-site staff. Pricing and contract terms should also be considered to ensure that the storage facility fits your budget and requirements.

By utilizing storage options, you can alleviate the stress of making hasty decisions about your excess items while ensuring the safety and security of your belongings. Take advantage of the convenience and flexibility offered by storage facilities to make your downsizing process smoother and more manageable.

Enlist the Help of Professional Cross-Country Movers

Hiring professional cross-country movers can simplify your downsizing process and ensure a smooth and efficient move to your new home. With their expertise and experience, they can handle all aspects of the move, from packing and transporting your belongings to unpacking and arranging them in your new space.

When you enlist the help of professional movers, you can focus on the important task of downsizing while leaving the logistics of the move in capable hands. They will have the necessary equipment and resources to handle your belongings with care and ensure they arrive safely at your destination.

Additionally, professional movers can offer valuable advice and guidance throughout the downsizing process. They can help you determine which items to keep, donate, or sell, based on their knowledge of space limitations and your new lifestyle. Their expertise can save you time and effort as you navigate the challenges of downsizing.

By relying on professional cross-country movers, you can alleviate the stress and physical demands of a move, allowing you to focus on the excitement of starting a new chapter in your life. So, don't hesitate to enlist their help and make your downsizing process a breeze.

Benefits of Hiring Professional Cross-Country Movers:
Experienced in handling cross-country moves
Expertise in packing and transporting belongings
Ability to navigate logistical challenges
Knowledge of space limitations and lifestyle considerations
Saves time and reduces physical strain
Offers guidance throughout the downsizing process
Ensures the safe and efficient arrival of belongings


"I couldn't have asked for a better experience with professional cross-country movers. They took care of everything, from planning the move to unpacking at my new home. Their attention to detail and efficiency made the downsizing process a breeze. I highly recommend their services for a stress-free move!"- Emily Smith, Happy Customer


Downsizing before a cross-country move may require effort and planning, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can make the process manageable and enjoy a stress-free move to your new home. By considering the function and lifestyle of your new space, making a comprehensive list of your furniture and belongings, and planning out the furniture arrangement, you can ensure that you only bring what is necessary and suitable for your new home.

Donating, selling, or disposing of items you no longer need will help you declutter and create a fresh start in your new space. Seeking assistance from trash removal companies or relocation specialists can facilitate the efficient disposal of unwanted items, saving you time and effort.

Starting the decluttering process early and breaking it up by room will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. Selling valuable items through garage sales or online platforms can help you generate extra income and attract potential buyers. Alternatively, donating items to local charities or giving them away to friends and family can benefit others while reducing your belongings.

Considering the dimensions of your new space when deciding to keep or move large items is crucial to avoid unnecessary clutter. Dispose of non-allowable items according to regulations before the move, ensuring a smooth transition. If you need to postpone decisions about excess items, storage options can provide a temporary solution.

Lastly, enlisting the help of professional cross-country movers will alleviate the physical and logistical challenges of the move, allowing you to focus on downsizing and settling into your new home. With careful planning and the support of professionals, downsizing for a cross-country move can be a rewarding experience, setting the stage for a fresh start in your new location.


Q: Why is downsizing before a cross country move important?

A: Downsizing before a cross country move is important because it allows you to reduce the amount of belongings you need to transport, saving time, money, and effort during the move. It also helps you adapt to the function and lifestyle of your new space.

Q: How do I consider the function and lifestyle of my new space?

A: To consider the function and lifestyle of your new space, think about how you will use each room and what furniture and belongings are necessary to support those activities. Take into account the layout and dimensions of the space to determine what items will fit and be most useful.

Q: How do I make a list of my furniture and belongings?

A: Start by going through each room and listing down all the furniture and belongings present. Categorize them for easier organization. This will help you keep track of what you own and make decisions about what to keep or let go.

Q: Why should I plan out the furniture arrangement in my new space?

A: Planning out the furniture arrangement in your new space allows you to determine which pieces will fit and how to optimize the use of available space. This helps you avoid bringing unnecessary furniture and helps you envision the layout of your new home.

Q: How can I effectively purge my possessions?

A: You can effectively purge your possessions by donating, selling, or disposing of items you no longer need or use. Evaluate each item and ask yourself if it serves a purpose or brings you joy. Consider the value, condition, and utility of the item before deciding what to do with it.

Q: How can trash removal companies or relocation specialists assist with downsizing?

A: Trash removal companies or relocation specialists can help with the efficient disposal of unwanted items. They can provide guidance on what is allowable for disposal and offer services to transport and responsibly dispose of items that cannot be donated or sold.

Q: When should I start decluttering and how should I break up the task?

A: Start decluttering as early as possible to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Break up the task by tackling one room at a time. This will help you stay focused and make progress without feeling like you have to declutter the entire house all at once.

Q: How can I sell valuable items through garage sales or online platforms?

A: To sell valuable items through garage sales or online platforms, price them competitively based on their condition and market value. Take clear and attractive photos, write detailed descriptions, and choose the right platform to target potential buyers. Advertise your sale or online listings to attract attention.

Q: What should I consider when donating items to local charities or giving them away to friends and family?

A: When donating items to local charities or giving them away to friends and family, consider the needs and preferences of the recipients. Ensure that the items are in good condition and suitable for their intended use. Research local charities to find the most suitable organization to donate to.

Q: How should I dispose of expired or unused items in the kitchen, bathroom, and office?

A: Dispose of expired or unused items in the kitchen, bathroom, and office by following proper disposal methods. For example, expired medications should be taken to a pharmacy for safe disposal, while old cosmetics can be discarded in the regular trash. Check local regulations for specific instructions on disposing of hazardous materials.

Q: How can I get rid of excess clothing, jewelry, accessories, and furniture?

A: To get rid of excess clothing, jewelry, accessories, and furniture, sort through them and decide what you want to keep, donate, or sell. Consider donating gently used items to local charities or selling them through online platforms or garage sales. Furniture that is in good condition can also be sold or donated.

Q: Why is it important to consider the dimensions of my new space before keeping or moving large items?

A: It is important to consider the dimensions of your new space before keeping or moving large items to ensure they will fit and be practical in the new environment. Moving large items that won't fit or won't be used can be costly and time-consuming.

Q: How do I dispose of non-allowable items before the move?

A: Dispose of non-allowable items, such as liquids and flammables, before the move by following local regulations for proper disposal. Contact your local waste management facility to inquire about specific guidelines for disposing of these items.

Q: What storage options should I consider if I need to postpone decisions about excess items?

A: If you need to postpone decisions about excess items, consider utilizing storage facilities. Temporary storage can provide a solution while you determine what to do with those items in the future. Research local storage options to find a facility that suits your needs and budget.

Q: How can professional cross-country movers help with the downsizing process?

A: Professional cross-country movers can assist with the downsizing process by providing packing services, transporting your belongings, and even offering storage options. They have the experience and expertise to handle your items safely and efficiently during the move.

Storage Locations

Los Angeles
5698 Bandini Blvd B.
Bell, CA 90201
P: 888.860.7200 Ext. 102
San Francisco
2000 McKinnon Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94124
P: 888.860.7200 Ext. 135
New York
200 Murray Hill Pkwy,
East Rutherford, NJ 07073
P: 888.860.7200 Ext. 131

Business Hours(PST)

Monday: 8am - 4pm
Tuesday: 8am - 4pm
Wednesday: 8am - 4pm
Thursday: 8am - 4pm
Friday: 8am - 4pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Shannon L.
Shannon L.
Jan 5, 2024

Movers who packed my things up in NY were great. I was also very impressed with how clear everything was, how fast the move coordinator Eric was with getting back to me. Read more testimonials

Danielle Francisco
Feb 11, 2024

Terrific experience with Andres and his team. They were quick, efficient and very knowledgeable. Read more testimonials

Ria B.
Ria B.
Jan 10, 2024

Everything went smoothly with CA-NY Express Movers. They packed up my apt in NYC in no time, put it into storage for me while we found our new house. Read more testimonials

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